Powerup Your ClickUp

For busy entrepreneurs and team leaders overwhelmed by trying to figure out, learn, and teach how to use ClickUp the most efficient way

Transform chaos into clarity with 'PowerUp Your ClickUp' - an on-demand coaching program designed to streamline your work and enhance your efficiency using ClickUp

As seen on:

If you ever...

💭 Ever thought, “There must be a smarter way to use ClickUp,” as you navigate through its countless features, feeling like you're barely scratching the surface…

⏰ Found yourself overwhelmed and staring into the night, contemplating if the complexity of ClickUp is hindering rather than helping your productivity…

🥺 Felt guilty because you’re spending more time fiddling with task management settings than engaging with your team or stepping away to recharge…

📚 Muttered, "This isn't what I envisioned," as you get bogged down in trying to configure workflows, losing sight of the very efficiency you aimed to gain…

If you’re like me, you probably feel overwhelmed by all the possibilities of ClickUp, struggling to make the tool work efficiently for your needs.

stop spending Hours trying to find Answers

and potentially get bad ones on top of things...

I'd like to share a story with you

and why I'm so passionate about ClickUp

Over the years, coaching, consulting, and teaching ClickUp has been a journey filled with challenges and revelations. I've seen so many ClickUp "edutainers" who get caught up in the features without understanding the long-term implications of their recommendations.

They often overlook how these features fit into the bigger picture, leaving you with a setup that's more confusing than helpful.

I can't tell you how many calls I've had with people who've spent a fortune on getting their ClickUp workspace built out and training their teams, only to find out it wasn't done right for them.

They worked with someone who didn't consider the micro-processes and the overall impact on their business. This hit-and-miss approach isn't just frustrating; it's costly and time-consuming.

I don't just love ClickUp

I love Systems

That's where my passion comes from. I want to help everyone who sees the potential of ClickUp to not only understand its capabilities but to implement it in a way that is both effective and scalable for their unique needs.

My goal is to ensure you don't just use ClickUp; you thrive with it, knowing that your setup is tailor-made for your business's growth and success.

What you get when you join:


OffiCe Hours

Personalized guidance and support from

Yvi to help you transform

your ClickUp & workflows.

(Value: $3,500)

Process Template Library & Trainings

Ever growing library of

plug-and-play templates

to systemize your business.


Private Community

Connect with a supportive network

of like-minded ClickUp users.

($ Priceless)

To support you right form the start in your ClickUp journey,

you receive 2 additional bonuses!

The Basics of Mastering ClickUp

In-depth training to optimize your use of ClickUp.

(Value: $19.99)


QuickStart Guide

Master the essential productivity tool to streamline your operations.

(Value: $59)

This coulD be you!!!

Why Yvi? Why PowerUp?

ClickUp Efficiency since 2018

Who am I?

I'm Yvonne Heimann, but you might know me as Ask Yvi.

I've been the go-to expert for all things ClickUp since 2018.

From solopreneurs to medium-sized businesses, Amazon sellers, franchises like everbowl, and even major national sports associations – I've helped them all.

As ClickUp's StartUp Evangelist, I'm closely connected to the ClickUp team, giving you insider access to all the things 🤫

Now, imagine this:

No more sifting through countless YouTube videos or diving into crowded Facebook groups only to get half-baked answers.

With "PowerUp Your ClickUp," you get specialized help tailored just for you. You just pop into one of our weekly office hours and ask your questions directly - getting customized solutions for your specific setup and needs.

Join me and get the best possible support quickly, easily, and affordably.

Monthly Payment


Annual Payment *BEST VALUE *


(save 2 months)

What exactly is PowerUp Your ClickUp?

"PowerUp Your ClickUp" is a support and training program designed to help you master ClickUp. It offers personalized guidance and tailored solutions to optimize your ClickUp setup, making it scalable for your business growth.

Who leads PowerUp Your ClickUp?

The program is led by Yvonne Heimann, a seasoned ClickUp consultant and educator since 2018. Yvonne has worked with a range of clients from solopreneurs and medium-sized businesses to franchises and national sports associations.

What kind of support does the program offer?

You’ll have access to weekly office hours where you can ask your questions directly and receive customized solutions for your specific needs. The support is designed to be both effective and efficient.

Is PowerUp Your ClickUp suitable for my business size?

Absolutely! Whether you’re a solopreneur, run a medium-sized business, or manage a large franchise, the program provides scalable solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Can this program help my business grow?

Yvi and PowerUp your ClickUp ensures that your setup is not just efficient today but also scalable for future growth. This helps support your expanding business needs effectively.

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