Automate to Dominate

This 12-week group coaching program is designed for overwhelmed entrepreneurs with a clear vision and passion for their business and life but who are stuck in the day-to-day operations.

Discover how to simplify and streamline operations, gain deep insights into yourself and your business, and eliminate overwhelm once and for all.

Automate to Dominate

For visionary leaders overwhelmed by their business operations & tired of the endless 'magic solutions'.

This 90-day group coaching program guides overwhelmed entrepreneurs from the 'What am I going to do?' frenzy to a state of calm, organized clarity. Discover how to simplify and streamline operations, gain deep insights into yourself and your business, and eliminate overwhelm once and for all - for good.

As seen on:

If you ever...

💭 thought, "There's got to be a better way," amidst the late nights and endless to-do lists…

⏰ found yourself overwhelmed and anxious, staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m., wondering if this dream of entrepreneurship is sustainable

🥺 felt guilty for neglecting your health, your family, your friends, or even just taking a moment to breathe

📚 muttered, "I didn't sign up for this," as you drown in admin tasks, losing sight of what made you start your business in the first place

If you are like me you might have felt overwhelmed, overworked, and on the verge of burnout.

Maybe you've even hit a plateau, and are realizing that no matter how hard you hustle, you just can't seem to break through to that next level of business.

But the idea of implementing repeatable systems feels like a double-edged sword. 

Because on one hand, you crave the structure and efficiency but on the other hand, you fear you'll stifle your creativity and rob your business of its unique spark.

You want to grow your business, make an impact

But if you keep doing what you've been doing you'll likely burn out...

I'd like to share a story with you

and why I'm so passionate about building bulletproof businesses that run on autopilot

In 2014, my world came crashing down in a way I never could have imagined. Losing my husband, Pete, after a two year fight to cancer was a stark reality check - no clients, no steady income, just a relentless drive to keep going.

I was in the trenches, tirelessly chasing client after client, adhering to every piece of advice thrown my way, all in a desperate bid to keep the lights on. It felt like an endless battle against the currents, doing everything "by the book" yet barely making ends meet.

Implementing repeatable systems

transformed not just my business, but my entire life.

Suddenly, I could delegate tasks without an inch of guilt, take time off knowing the world wouldn't fall apart, and even make the dream move to San Diego - a feat I was once told was beyond my reach.

This journey underscored a profound truth: true empowerment and success come from creating a business that works for YOU, not the other way around. With Automate to Dominate, I've made it my mission to help you discover this same peace and freedom.

Because everyone.. YOU deserve the liberty to live and work on YOUR terms, to Boss Your Business, and live the life of your dreams.

which is why I created

Automate to Dominate

Using my S.O.A.R.R. Framework,

by the end of this program, you'll have

  • ⏩ streamlined operations,

  • ⏩ free up your time and mental bandwidth, and

  • ⏩ positioned your business for sustainable growth

  • ...all while staying true to your unique vision and values.

Let's review all you get when you join us:

90 days of

specialized coaching

Personalized guidance and support from

Yvi to help you transform

your business and mindset.

(Value: $10,500)

Lifetime Access To Automate to Dominate

Ongoing access to my proprietary method, resources, and tutorials

even after the 90-day program.

(Value: $3000)

Value Elicitation &

Personality Deep Dive

Uncover your unique entrepreneurial strengths, values, and vision to

align your business.

(Value: $750)

Clear Personal / Biz Roadmap

A customized plan

to guide you

from overwhelm to organized growth.

Value: $500

Private Community

Connect with a supportive network

of like-minded entrepreneurs.

($ Priceless)

Audio & Print Resources

Comprehensive audio recordings and workbooks packed with exercises, templates, and trackers.

Value: $1500

That's a Total Value of $16,250

To support you even further in your journey, I am gifting you these 3 additional bonuses!

Process Template Library & Trainings

Plug-and-play systems

to systemize your business.

(Value: $750)

The Basics of Mastering ClickUp

In-depth training to optimize your use of ClickUp.

(Value: $19.99)

StartUp Your ClickUp

6 Month Access

Master the essential productivity tool to streamline your operations.

(Value: $234)

That's an additional $1k+ in bonuses that'll you'll get for FREE!

This total is well over $15k... $17,253.99 if you want to be specific!

This coulD be you!!!

Now Imagine

I see you! I Hear You! I Got You!

Automate to Dominate® isn't just about systems;

it's about empowerment.

I have helped countless entrepreneurs just like you break free from the cycle of overwork and reclaim their time, their sanity, and their passion for their work.

Picture This...

A business that runs like a well-oiled machine, freeing you to focus on what you do best: serving your clients, unleashing your creativity, and making a real impact in the world.

That's the reality I want to help you create.

It's time to step into your power and boss your business and your life. With Automate to Dominate®, you'll gain the tools, the support, and the confidence you need to thrive.

Say goodbye to overwhelm and burnout and hello to a future filled with freedom, fulfillment, and financial success.

So, if you're tired of hustling and just getting by ready to take your business to the next level, join us.

Automate to Dominate® your way to build a strong foundation for your business in 90 days or less.

The time for change is now.

Are you in?

If they can, you can too!

Lorin Merkley

COO at the OG of Food blogs:

Lil' Luna

There have been a lot less signs of burnout in our team! Working with Yvi has allowed us to save the team about 40% of just busy work that has no impact on our business.

Not only were we able to open up bandwidth for our employees to get more work done, but also it made their jobs much less stressful.

Christinna Kitchaiya

Instagram Consultant, Writer, & Engagement Manager

The Streamline your live stream challenge had me looking at my content in an entirely different way.

I am now excited about being on camera and providing value to my audience through live streaming!

Yvi brings nothing but value and fun to her challenges!

Melody Johnson

Course Consultant & Foster Parent Advocate

Yvi's Content Creation ClickUp template saved me a lot of time from guessing how to have the best workflow for repurposing my content.

I make a lot of content and finding a repurposing workflow that worked and didn't take massive time and energy has been hard. Yvi made it simple! Thanks, Yvi!

You Gotta Automate to Dominate

This journey is divided into three parts – self-discovery, business alignment, and getting yourself out there.

In each part, you'll use the S.O.A.R.R. framework to guide you through yourself, your business, and your marketing.

Phase 1:

Automate Yourself

In the initial phase of Automate to Dominate, we set off on an essential journey of self-discovery, merging introspection with strategic clarity.

This phase is dedicated to exploring the essence of who you are as an entrepreneur.

Together, we'll dive into your core values, unearth your passions, and sharpen your purpose, laying a solid foundation for a business that is a true reflection of you.

Through targeted exercises and thoughtful reflections, we aim to illuminate your unique entrepreneurial identity, ensuring your business aligns seamlessly with your vision and embodies your deepest strengths and values.

Phase 2:

Automate Your Business

In this phase, akin to a phoenix spreading its magnificent wings, we harness a solid understanding of your entrepreneurial spirit to meticulously craft offers that truly resonate with your ideal customers.

We'll tackle everything from product development to pricing strategies,

ensuring every aspect of your offer not only meets the needs of your target audience but also positions you as an industry frontrunner.

Moreover, we focus on streamlining the process of delivering these refined offerings, making sure they're not only exceptional but also efficiently delivered.

Phase 3:

Automate Your Brand

In the final phase of Automate to Dominate, we intertwine the transformation of your business with the coherence of your marketing, ensuring both align with the newfound clarity and purpose we've meticulously crafted.

This is where your brand story takes center stage, allowing you to amplify your unique message and forge a deeper connection with your audience through strategic marketing efforts that ignite interest in your brand.

By marrying transformative marketing strategies with the operational excellence, we ensure your business is perfectly positioned for success,

reflecting the full breadth of your entrepreneurial journey and the distinctive value you bring to your clients.

Automate to Dominate - Life AFTER the program!

Discover the transformative power of life after Automate to Dominate!

Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a world where your business runs seamlessly, allowing you the freedom to focus on what truly matters.

📈 Your Business Potential Unleashed:

Picture a world where your business hums along effortlessly, like a finely-tuned machine, free from chaos and confusion. With Automate to Dominate, your venture evolves into a powerhouse of efficiency, empowering you to focus on what truly matters.

⏰ Maximize (and actually ENJOY) Your Time:

Imagine a life where time is your ally, not your adversary. After Automate to Dominate, your days are free from the shackles of endless tasks. Instead, you have more control over how you spend your time – indulging in your passions, strengthening bonds with loved ones, or simply enjoying moments of blissful relaxation.

🎨 Your Creativity on Full Throttle:

Unlock the full potential of your creativity, unburdened by dreadfully boring tasks. With Automate to Dominate, your mind has space to explore new ideas and innovations, fostering a more enriching and inspired existence.

🤑 Money That Makes You Feel Good:

Experience the tranquility of knowing your business stands on solid financial ground. Automate to Dominate equips you with the strategies and tools to navigate the unpredictable terrain of entrepreneurship with confidence, ensuring a steady income and a promising future.

📜YOUR Life on YOUR Terms:

Seize control of your destiny with Automate to Dominate, where you shape a life that mirrors your deepest desires and ambitions. Freed from the burdens of your business, envision a future where you jet-set across the globe, explore thrilling new hobbies, or relish precious moments with the people you love.

With everything you've learned from the Automate to Dominate program, your life is finally starting to unfold according to your terms, empowering you to live fully and without limits!

2 Payments of


One Time Payment * BEST VALUE *


(save $500)

Look, I get it - a decision like this isn't always easy.

You might be feeling a little unsure if Automate to Dominate is the right fit for your business.

That's totally normal.

This program is designed to be truly transformative,

and I want to make sure it's the perfect solution for your unique needs.

So if you have any questions at all or just want to explore whether it's a good match, I encourage you to hop on a call with me.

I'm excited to connect!

What exactly is Automate to Dominate®?

Automate to Dominate® is a transformational program designed for female entrepreneurs in their 30s and 40s who are looking to scale their businesses without sacrificing creativity or burning out. It offers a structured approach to implementing repeatable systems to drive growth and prevent overwhelm.

How long does the program last?

The program runs for 90 days, providing participants with ample time to learn and implement the strategies taught while receiving ongoing support and guidance.

Who is Yvi?

Yvonne Heimman aka YVI is a seasoned entrepreneur with over a decade of experience building successful businesses. She understands the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs and has personally experienced the benefits of implementing systems to drive growth and prevent burnout.

Will Automate to Dominate work for my specific business niche?

Participants in Automate to Dominate receive 90 days of specialized coaching, access to the ClickUp Template Library & Trainings, and a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. This ensures that you have the guidance and support you need every step of the way.

Do I need any specific technical skills to benefit from the program?

No, you don't need any specific technical skills to benefit from Automate to Dominate. The program is designed to be accessible to entrepreneurs at all skill levels, providing step-by-step guidance on implementing systems to drive growth.

What if I'm already using some systems in my business?

Even if you're already using some systems in your business, Automate to Dominate can help you optimize and streamline your processes further. The program provides advanced strategies and techniques to take your business to the next level.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes! If you're not satisfied with the program for any reason and have done the work, you can request a full refund within a specified timeframe.

How much time do I need to commit to the program each week?

The amount of time you need to commit to the program each week will vary depending on your individual goals and circumstances. However, as a general guideline, you can expect to spend a few hours each week learning and implementing the strategies taught in the program.

Is there ongoing support after the 90-day program ends?

Yes, participants in Automate to Dominate have access to a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs even after the 90-day program ends. This ensures that you continue to receive support and guidance as you implement the strategies learned in the program. All Rights Reserved

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